
“Delivering services at high velocity”

DevOps is a methodology that emphasizes the seamless integration of IT processes with the delivery of technical products and services. Our team specializes in providing this service and works closely with our IT and software development partners to ensure that all deployments are executed smoothly and securely. By prioritizing collaboration and communication between teams, we aim to deliver reliable and stable solutions to our clients.

A client had minimal version control, manual updates, little documentation, and no formal structure for managing deployments.


Implement processes to bring clarity to the development process.  Specifically for version control, ticketing, documentation, and project management.


Set up version control. Implement pull request workflows and automated dependency checks.  Build out containerization for easier deployment of code.  Instill lead balancing to minimize network strain. 


With our systems implemented, our users have secure and tested workflows that enable seamless provisioning, development, and deployment processes.  Along with our technical skills, we provided top-of-the-line documentations (ex. Google, Jira, Confluence) as well as technical training sessions to ensure that our clients are well-equipped to manage their systems.


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